Monday 12 September 2011

The Original Olympus - Family and Friends

At the first Olympic Games, Thetis is accompanied by three people - her father Cadmos - an Athenian patriarch responsible for organising the games, Telemon, her brother who has come to compete in the wrestling contest and Maia, the nurse who has tended her ever since the death of her mother in childbirth.

However as the story progresses it becomes obvious that Thetis' father is not in fact Cadmos, but Hephaestos, the God of Fire who fell in love with Thetis' mother on one of his visits to earth. It also becomes apparent that both Cadmos and Telemon are driven by self interest rather than honour,

Peleus is accompanied by his best friend Nestor, a kindly honest Spartan, (the Mercutio character) who is also at the games for the wrestling, but who will die at the hand of Telemon (Tybalt)

The name Cadmos was derived from Cadmus, an ancient Phoenician king, Maia, from an ancient Goddess of Spring ands Nestor from the name of an ancient King of Pylos.

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